Roof Safety Systems - Are They Really Worth All That Money?
Interesting question! Is it really worth spending thousands of dollars?
Firstly, what is a roof safety system? Also what is its purpose? Then finally, is it worth it?
What is a Roof Safety System?
A roof safety system comprises of various pieces of hardware. Usually, you will have 2 types - fall arrest or abseiling. Fall arrest is your most common system. it can include the following:
Fall arrest anchor points
Ladder brackets
Strops (first man up cables)
Walkway systems
Roof hatch
Static life lines
They are just some of the pieces of hardware you would come across on a roof. An abseiling system is generally common on high rise buildings.
So what's the purpose of these systems?
What Is Its Purpose?
Simple answer - to keep somebody safe on a roof. According to safework NSW, the 2 biggest causes for injuries are - ladders and the roof.
In a 3 year period there has been more then 400 claims made due to an accident from a ladder and more than 100 claims made due to an accident from a structure, like a roof.
To help reduce these numbers, safety needs to be a priority. This is where roof safety systems come in. The purpose of these systems is to prevent accidents in this area. Having these pieces of hardware installed allows any tradesmen to set up their ladder safely and using their harness and rope, hook on to the strop or anchor points. If there happens to be a slip or fall, the safety system will engage to prevent you from falling or having an injury.
That is all good but is it still worth spending thousands of dollars on it? Especially on a residential property?
Is It Worth It?
Let’s way it up, on an average house you may be looking at about 6 anchor points, 1 ladder bracket and 1 strop. To get that installed on your house, you’re looking at about $1000.
So what is the alternative?
You could just not get it installed, let them walk around your roof with no safety and have the high risk of falling off. Does anything come back on you?
The average case in Australia for slipping and falling off a roof, has the person coming after the homeowner for not supplying a safe work environment. Homeowners can look at paying up to $100,000 and money months of discussions.
So is a safety system worth it? Weighing up the difference, on one hand you have a safety system at about $1,000 and a yearly recertification* or not having one and risking spending up to $100,000 plus your time.
Out laying the slight initial expense at the start would make it cheaper overall and the added bonus of protecting yourself from any claims
The verdict? True, there is no law saying you have to have a safety system but NSW is starting to crack down on height safety. If you want to protect yourself and stay ahead of the safety regulations, then yes it is worth it.
Click here for more information on our roof safety systems or click here to contact us for a quote today.